As Esganadas - Book Review

I rarely read books in Portuguese. I hate translations, and almost all I read is written originally in English.

However, recently I read As Esganadas, by Jô Soares, in a single sitting (to be fair, I had to sit around for 3 hours while waiting in an hospital - but if the book wasn't so good I might have switched to doing something else after a while).

While a bit old (I bought it shortly after the release, but then forgot about it), this is the latest in Jô Soares' series of fiction that takes place in historical times, and often confuses what happened and what was fiction.

The story is a about a serial killer in Rio de Janeiro that likes killing fat women in ironical ways. While I think that his motives could have been exposed later in the story for better effect, I really enjoyed the book and laughed hard from the beginning to the end.

Very much recommended, if you can read in Portuguese. I don't know if translations are available (can't find them at Amazon) and also I have no idea how much of the local jokes would translate well.

If you are wondering why I am doing an English review of a Brazilian book, it is quite simple - SEO. Search Engines sometimes don't like mixing languages in the same site, and all the rest of the posts here are in English...


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