Guild Wars 2 - Game Review
Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG that continues where Guild Wars stops. Both have a nice "feature" which is no monthly fee, just a flat price. I have very little experience with MMORPGs. I have played a few of the free ones - but only for half an hour each. Most MMORPGs feel incredibly boring to me. The basic style is annoying enough (I like FPS and RTS more), and the incredibly repetitive quests (kill N of these, find N of these, etc) are quite common. What I have played was Tabula Rasa - really nice story, really boring quests, buggy and Guild Wars - got sidetracked after a little while - remember as pleasant. Guild Wars 2 has a loader that downloads everything - about 20 GB. No complaints, though, as it was VERY fast and maxed out my 20MB/s connection. Graphics are great for vistas. Actual people are great designs, from the faces, shapes to the clothes. There isn't a basic tutorial - something I've come to expect in most games. It is probably a good idea to read...