Heat Wave

I've just finished reading Heat Wave - by the fictional author Richard Castle, of the TV series Castle. I really like the series, so upon hearing that a book was made as if written by the author, I went and got it right away at Fictionwise.com, in which I rarely can buy books anymore, due to country restrictions, but now and then they have one of them unrestricted.

(Entering Big DRM Rant)

To the Kindle fans, I'd probably buy there (I obviously read a lot - just look at the blog posts), but it has two problems - no reader software for my cell phone (not that bad, albeit a bit annoying) and really excessive DRM compared to eReader. eReader just requires you to enter your name and credit card number to read the book in any device. If they stopped existing, I'd still be able to use my backups to read it in any device.

On Amazon, when the new Kindle was released, people with books that weren't available on the new version (as well as magazines and newspapers) simply lost access to their stuff. Really not acceptable! I was about to buy a Kindle and gave up when reading about that. From the comments, I'm far from the only one.

(End of Big DRM Rant)

Well, after the long detour (DRM clearly is a subject I like to rant about), Heat Wave was nice, but without the cute parallels to the series it would be a generic mystery.

If you are a fan of the series, you'll probably want to check it out, otherwise you might as well skip it.


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