Borderlands 2 - PC Game Review

Borderlands 2 is the sequel to Borderlands.

As in many games today, it feels a bit more like an extension than a sequel. The story is pretty much the same, as is the graphic style and guns (the ice bits do look pretty nice, though).

Since I played Borderlands a while ago, I don't exactly recall how the inventory system worked, but I really feel it was less annoying than the one in Borderlands 2. The silly 3D effect when selecting guns is very annoying.

I only played for a couple of hours (Steam buggily says a minute), but it looks pretty good, even with the lack of major innovations. The quests are a bit silly, true, but they play style is still pretty fun.

The number one complaint I had on Borderlands is still here - if you wipe out a whole town of enemies and come back 5 minutes later... They are all back. That is particularly aggravating as you cautiously enter a place, kill everyone, and as you finished your quest and you are leaving, they are all back and shooting at you.

While I see that keeping the world empty would look a bit lame, just popping everyone back after such a short time feels much sillier.

My other main complaint from Borderlands is also still here - they seem to think that you have all the time in the world for their game. There are no real saves inside a quest. That is - if you die than you get back to your last checkpoint, but if you close the game (because you have a life and sometimes can't keep playing till you are done with the quest), you won't return anywhere near the checkpoint when you continue.

I'll update this as I play more.


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