Blaise Pascal - Magazine Review

Blaise Pascal is a magazine that covers Delphi, Free Pascal and related languages.

You can get it from their site. They have both downloads and printed versions. Personally I rarely subscribe to anything on paper - there is always a hassle on receiving, storing and searching them.

When you buy a subscription you get a USB drive with all the previous edition. At the time this wasn't understandable at their site (they have BAD translation and clarity problems on their site) so I was quite pleasantly surprised to get it in the mail.

As content goes, it is OK for the price. One interesting thing about the magazine is that a whole lot of the articles are written by a product author. Let's see the current issue contents:

Book Review By Jim DuffMatch5, a self learning board game By David DirkseProgramming in Smart: Application Design By Primož GabrijelčičTMS FlexCel for VCL and FireMonkey By Adrian GalleroDelphi IDE Tips By Brian LongBe-Delphi (2012 Antwerp-Belgium)
DataSnap: DBX vs. RESTBy Bob SwartCrowd Funding By BJ.RaoHow to handle your LIB Stick
Displaying video files using Free Pascaland Lazarus By Michaël Van CanneytHigh performance virtual filesystems 
with kbmMW By Kim Madsen

In this issue alone there are several one, such as the one about Smart, FlexCel or kbmMw. In a sense they are very much advertisements - and what you'd expect on a good product blog. 

That said, I found several to be quite useful AND to cover aspects of a tool I already had that I didn't know existed.

Overall, I find Blaise Pascal to be a worthwhile investment to Delphi and other pascal developers. If you are not sure, get a free issue (there is always one) and check it out.


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