iBomber Defense Demo PC Review
I just tried the new (on Steam) demo of another TD (Tower Defense) game, iBomber Defense. There are a number of apparently interesting features on the full game feature list, but unfortunately they don't make an appearance at the demo. The demo consists of two levels, one at land and another at sea (which is a nice, but overall meaningless change from the TD norm). The levels have a few (way too few) generic enemies and a couple of tower types that you can place and upgrade. That is pretty much it. You have a point at the beginning of each round that you can use to increase to amount of times a tower can be upgraded, and the towers can be damaged - which is sadly lacking on many tower games. But all that means is that you have to constantly watch for damage and click to pay for repairs. As far as I can see, nothing more worth mentioning. The graphics are ok, and the music is bearable, but the gameplay is so boring and uninteresting that I see no reason you should even try i...