And another thing... - book review

And Another thing... - by Eoin Colfer is a new sequel (Part Six of Three) for the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

That might be surprising to some, as the original author of the series is dead. However, there were a few cases where new authors did very interesting additions to existing series.

Looking up into my bookcase, the new Foundation books (by the 3 B - Bear, Brin and Benford) and the new Dune books by Brian Herbert are fine examples of books I've enjoyed. As you can imagine, not everyone felt the same way.

And Another thing... is a very fun read, in the continuous insanity style of HHGTTG. It continues where the last book left off, and in the traditional way of the series, the Earth is about to be destroyed by the Vogons. Again.

The guide notes was profusely spread throughout the book. It was a bit on the boundary between fun and just annoying.

In a very uncommon occasion for me, I actually read this one on paper - it's been a few years since I've bought anything other than e-books. It does have the advantage on weight vs my notebook...

The book is very recommended for fans of the series.


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