Venomous Lumpsucker - Book Review
I read Venomous Lumpsucker by Ned Beauman because William Gibson mentioned it on Twitter (on a thread asking for cyberpunk recommendations).
When starting, it seemed a bit boring, but it quickly improved, and was cyberpunk in a way, while being completely different from the typical Cyberpunk book.
It mostly concerns an executive taking care of the extinction industry as it applies to the mining company he works on, and a research that certifies species intelligence level (as it costs more if you cause an intelligent species to get extinct).
Not a whole lot of new tech overall, although there are a lot of drones and autonomous factories.
I have seen some reviews that complains about the long bits about a couple of (made up? looks like it) species - I agree that it was longer than necessary, but was still interesting.
I really liked both epilogues, which are great on their own way (The first for the little twist from the formulaic end, and the second for changing the story quite a little bit).
Overall, strongly recommend, and not even that long...