Hardwired - Book Review

Hardwired is a very old book by Walter Jon Williams - first published in 1986. It is considered one of the books that established the Cyberpunk genre, together with Neuromancer. It is one of my favorite genres, (and I've already read several books by the author), so I immediately got it upon learning this.

The book is pretty good, and it only shows its age mildly here and there.

I'm not sure how much it is the style of the book, and how much is the author improving with time, but the prose doesn't flow as well as on his other books.

The tech is quite entertaining and certainly impressive for 1986. Some bits (such as what happened to Reno) were pretty unsurprising now, but I think they must have been pretty cool at the time.

Overall, strongly recommended for fans of Cyberpunk.


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