When Gravity fails - Book Review
When Gravity fails, by George Alec Finger, is a cyberpunk novel from 1986.
It is part of a trilogy, and I read one of the books (not sure when) - that was how it worked for me back in 90s, I'd just get whatever mass market paperbacks were available in the bookstore.
As always, it is funny to read old SF. This one isn't bad, but it sure feels outdated - for example, no internet access in implants, which in any new book is the first thing that is added. The only thing you can have on your implants are personality changes and practical functions (such as no hunger/not being afraid/being able to speak a language/etc).
Of course, these come in little "cartridges", and have to be plugged in to work. Very 80s.
The story itself is interesting, and being in a islamic area, doesn't feel as done to death as most. The characters are interesting, although the author's apparent obsession with sex changes is a bit annoying.
Overall, nice. I got the trilogy pretty cheap, and I am finding it entertaining, although not great.