Got a GearVR (2016, free as a bundle gift, with the S8). It is interesting. The movement tracking is pretty good. Setting up felt harder than necessary. I had to look up a couple of things online as their instructions were very unclear. After the first time, it is pretty easy to use. I'm using the Samsung screen protector. It works fine with the GearVR, but distort the image somewhat, specially in the corners. One thing that I think really hurts the platform is the fact that it comes without a controller, just the little touchpad in the side. This means that this is all most games can count in. Which really seems to limit things a lot, interface-wise (I mean, even my Intellivision console in 83 had a controller with plenty of buttons...). One click and swiping is all you get, in addition to looking around. I tried a couple of the games, and they looked good (Sunken and Rush so far). Not super exciting, though. They do feel much more immersive than they wou...