Transistor - PC Game Review

Transistor is a sci-fi RPG from the creators of Bastion.

If you ever saw/played Bastion, you probably won't be surprised that the graphics are gorgeous. I don't think I ever bothered to get so many screenshots simply because of how good they look. Music and sound are great too.

I can't tell you much about the story, because there isn't a lot of direct exposition and I'm not really sure what is going on. Gameplay is an isometric view, and includes a mixed real time/turn based combat that is fairly complex.

It mixes "functions" (apparently it is a tron-like world or humans were digitized thing) that can be weapons (such as crash, bounce, etc), or powers that affect movement or stealth. They can be used directly or used to upgrade other functions - for example, crash upgraded with bounce makes the damage from crash bounce to other enemies.

I haven't played that much, and frankly I find it a little weird without more information. I also had an assert crash on my seconds short (20 minutes) playing session, which isn't great.

I'll update this as I play more.

PS: I can't believe that after all those years offering soundtracks, Steam still doesn't have a decent way to find them! It is limited to saying that DLC should be used by running the program.

If you are looking for it, go to folder


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