
Showing posts from July, 2022

Os Segredos do Investidor de Valor - Book Review

Os Segredos do Investidor de Valor, de Bruce Barbosa, foi um bônus de uma assinatura da Nord Research. Ele fala do conceito do investidor de valor e de como utilizá-lo. No meu caso, desconfio que foi menos útil, já que li recentemente o livro do Howard Marks (The Most Important Thing, muito bom) e visto alguns cursos no assunto. Também tem trechos repetitivos. Fora isso, achei muito bom, e extremamente recomendado, ainda por cima sendo bem curtinho.

Telegram Premium Voice to Text no Brasil

Experimentei o telegram premium (recebo muitas mensagens longas de voz).  As transcrições são excelentes, em português (ouvi que usam a API do google). Demora um pouco. No telegram web não funciona, no desktop sim. O bizarro é que texto não entra na procura... que seria uma das partes mais úteis. Tem dois jeitos de assinar, via Google (mais caro), ou via o site deles. Por enquanto usei o Google, porque tenho mais confiança de cancelar quando quiser.

The Time Traveler's Wife - Book Review

 I decided to read  The Time Traveler's Wife , by Audrey Niffenegger, after I heard that the series was cancelled. I really liked the series (and the movie, but the series was better - much easier with all the extra time), and it felt like a logical time, while it was still fresh in my mind. The book was pretty good, but the series was better in a number of small ways, specially the dinner scene - which is just a plain dinner in the book, but very memorable in the series. ***SPOILERS FOLLOW*** I think I see some of the reasons the series was cancelled. There isn't all that much to get an extra 6 episodes. And most of what there is, is pretty dark. The nice part, of course, is their daughter Alba (which is also a time traveler and maybe, some day, will have her book - apparently the author is pulling a GRRM and have been writing it for 8 years now). Henry's big plot points are losing his feet and dying. "At least" Clare can still meet Henry sometimes, but that seem...

O Jeito Warren Buffet de Investir - Review de Curso

 O Jeito Warren Buffet de Investir, por Morgan Housel, é um finbook da Finclass com cerca 78 min. Esse curso fala de princípios genéricos, como usados por Warren Buffet para investir. Eu concordo com tudo que foi falado, mas não achei muito útil porque já tinha visto quase 100% em outros lugares. Bonzinho, especialmente para quem não tem muita experiência.

Rogue Legacy 2 - Book Review

 Rogue Legacy 2 is obviously a sequel to Rogue Legacy - a rogue-like platformer with progression. To be honest, I don't recall enough of the original, having playing years ago, to compare both. This one has a ton of progression possibilities, but some are very, very tiny (2% of a stat), which gets tiring fast. There are a ton of different characters, and each play differently - one cute example is the Chef, which has a frying pan that can bounce projectiles back. The platform annoyince (if you are not into that) is HUGE. Lots of places where you have to leap precisely a dozen times in a sequence. Fortunately, you can just go to house rules and get the option to fly (or get the artifact), which help things somewhat. Still, at least one door is very annoying jump-kick-dash-kick with no older gamer margin. Overall, I like it, but probably not as much as I would without it being as much plataform-ey as it is.

Uplift War - Book Review

Uplift War, by David Brin, is part of his first Uplift trilogy. I have already reviewed Sundiver and Startide Rising, which I didn't think were as good as this one. In this book, aliens are still mad about the big discovered humans/dolphins made in Startide Rising. One of them decides to keep a human colony hostage. Naturally, guerrilla (and gorilla) warfare follows. This was my favorite from the trilogy by far. There is a nice view into the uplifted chimpanzees, some other aliens, and a few of the galactic customs.