Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is an open world game based on Middle Earth stories. You are a ranger that got melded with an elf wraith through a blood sacrifice, and now you have powers that will help you kill a whole lot of orcs. The last game I played was Far Cry 3, and it feels really, really similar in many ways. Besides the main missions, you go around attacking places - not bases, though, mostly small interventions where you kill captains in interesting ways. The most interesting part about captains is that you can interrogate other orcs to get information on them - and it is immensely helpful. For example, a mission that I gave up was killing a particularly warchief, as I couldn't figure out how to kill him and his escort. Then on a second time I just managed to sneak up on him, and as he was vulnerable to stealth attacks, I killed him in seconds. There are also plenty of abilities and upgrades you can buy - either with Experience or cash. Really fun stuff, includin...