Overthrowing Heaven - book review
I've just finished the latest book in the Jon and Lobo series - Overthrowing Heaven, by Mark L. Van Name. Less than a week ago I read the first book in the series, One Jump Ahead, and read the second book last month, so they are both fresh in my mind, and the latest is my favorite. I particularly liked the explanations about the nature of Lobo - which is Jon's sentient PCAV (predator class assault vehicle) - which always was smarter than other AIs, but for no apparent reason, till this book (to be fair, the existence of a difference in its nature was well hinted on the other books) One thing I noted on this book is that Van Name isn't afraid to have an unhappy ending - which is uncommon on oh so many books, no matter how forced the story gets as a result - and on a personal level for Jon Moore, he seems to insist on it. The base story is, as usual, a mission that only Jon can take, and this time it's personal - for Lobo. Overall, quite entertaining.