
Showing posts from May, 2004

Nerg's web server

Nerg's web server Check out NergAmp - it allows setting system-wide hotkeys for Winamp. That way you change the music or the volume from within any program or game. Neat.

E-books this week

Hi, This week (so far <g>) I've read a couple of e-books, both good. The first was Candle, by John Barnes. Very nice - mostly it's about a world taken by "memes" - in this context AIs that were designed to spread through "skull jacks" (brain-computer interface) and take some amount of control, usually total. (Originally "meme" is an idea considered as an replicating entity that uses people to spread) The Earth was taken by a particular meme completely, with just a few remaining people not taken by it. These are called cowboys. The story goes by the focus of a cowboy hunter. I felt the end was quite surprising... One slightly off-putting part is the dates - the book was released on 2000 and yet has a major world war in 2002. Duh! Other excellent book by Barnes is Mother of Storms. I can't recommend this one highly enough! The other book was Spider Man 2. I just bought it because it had a 100% rebate on Fiction...

Welcome to my blog...

Hi, Welcome. I thought I'd like somewhere to comment on sites, books and software. Blogger being free and all, it seemed easier than finding and installing a free script. I will probably be posting praise of my own software , too :-).